Sunday, November 12, 2006


Friday night I had to go to Kmart. I neede candles for my new apartment and thought they would have the best price for what I was looking for. After work I took my old route to Penn and figured I'd walk through the main passageway to see if anything changed. It didn't! I should've known better. The crowd was filled with people determined to get home. It was every man for himself. No one was going to move aside to let someone walk by. There was no say I would make it to Kmart without being trampled. I made it though. I was able to buy my candles and walk through Penn without least no phyiscal pain. Mentally I wasn't prepared to go back into the belly of the beast. I survived and hope that I don't have go back through there for a while. Later this week I will be heading out to LI but getting on the LIRR at Woodside. It's much calmer, although colder, there.

1 comment:

Strongie said...

trying to cross laterally to kmart is the worst. i can't handle the traffic anymore. people walk too slow.