Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Mmmmmta!

One morning a while back Beth and I were waiting for the N train to scurry us off to work. As luck would have it the N train was late. Whenever I try to get to work early a late train is always something I can count on. So as we're waiting I decided that I want to start referring to the MTA as the mmmmmmmmmmmmta! So far people like it!
This weekend there were no N/W trains going towards the city stopping at the my stop and a few others. I had to take the train heading towards Ditmars 2 stops to the Astoria Blvd stop and then catch a train to the city. Sounds simple.....right??? Certainly not!

The wait was long. The platform was crowed. People were angry. I had the joy of standing near some hipster that was far from being happy. He was on the phone and kept yelling that "we're not chaging our plans just because of a 20 minute delay!" and then "No, I'm not angry I just have spite." Let me tell you he was a joy.

The train finally showed up and we all ran on. We went the 2 stops and everyone ran off again. I was meeting Julia so I had to wait for her. The train to the city came within a minute which I thought was nice. But we missed it and had to wait some more. A trip that normally takes me 30 minutes on a bad day took almost an hour. But what can you do????? Well, look for track work is one thing and I didn't see any. At least it was only for this weekend!

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